Cloth Snack Bags - Set of 3 - Yummi Pouch

If you have kids and you are worried about how much plastic your putting into landfills you might want to check out these Snack Bags from Yummi Pouch. We are always using Ziploc bags. It has gotten to the point that we buy them in bulk regularly. I started to think this may not be the best idea. Yummi Pouch Snack Bags are great. I can use them just like I would with a Ziploc Bag but I don't need to trash them after I use them. This is good for my wallet and for the Earth. I highly recommend them.
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Cloth Snack Bags - Set of 3 - Yummi Pouch Cloth Snack Bags - Set of 3 - Yummi Pouch Reviewed by Amazon Daddy on 9:40 PM Rating: 5

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